How have we created hope this Rotary year?

  • Maui fire relief – raised funds and Jeff Leedy generously donated art
  • Provided sheets for the Ecuador Children’s Hospital (135 sets)
  • Rake up Boise (most participants from our club in recent memory)
  • Horsethief Camp Clean-up & YMCA children’s scholarships
  • Holiday Toy and Gift Card Drive for Boys and Girls Club
  • Funding Mental Health First Aid (District Grant Program) establishing NAMI Campus Clubs in Boise Schools
  • Field trips for Octoberfest to Lost Grove Brewing and Life’s Kitchen
  • Hosted the fabulous Sip‘n’Frolic social fun-raiser
  • Participated in the NAMI Walks Team (Our team: Rotary Tread Setters)
  • Raising funds to lead an initiative with the Boise School district focusing on Mental Health
  • Hosted a tour of Southern Idaho for our fellow Rotarians from Ecuador
  • Raising funds for a mobile cancer screening unit for rural Colombia
  • Sponsored Marta (From the Canary Islands) our exchange student for the 2023-2024 school year
  • Sending 5 outstanding students to RYLA (July 2024)
  • Helped Whitney School by hosting special Friday sessions and completing a learning garden
  • Provided Physical Therapy and exercise equipment for a long-term care facility in Ecuador
  • Enjoyed fellowship at our weekly luncheons, better friendship dinners and happy hours!