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Rotary Club of Boise to Sponsor 5 RYLA Attendees
Our Club has sponsored 5 students to attend RYLA this year! What is RYLA? Rotary Youth Leadership Ac...
A successful SIP N’ FROLIC fundraiser
The Rotary Club of Boise’s annual fundraiser Sip n’ Frolic was a rousing success. Over...
SIP N FROLIC Social and Fundraiser
Come join the Rotary Club of Boise for our annual Sip N Frolic Fundraiser. We will be gathering at...
Dec. 14th Toy Drive Benefits Boys and Girls Club
During the month of December, the Rotary Club of Boise partnered with the Boys and Girls Club. Dur...
Partnership with Interfaith Sanctuary leads to Holiday Joy!
The Rotary Club of Boise continues its work to support children. ...
Rotary Club of Boise partners with the YMCA
This year the Rotary Club of Boise partnered with the YMCA to provide fi...
Rake Up Boise a success!!
Rake Up Boise 2023. Our club showed up in numbers and spirit. Our motto is ‘making friends and...
Wetlands Peace Preserve & Social (Saturday Sep. 23rd 8-10am)
When/Time: Sat, Sep 23, 8-10am. Opt. brunch at Caffeina Where: Willow Lanes Athletic Complex, ...
Life’s Kitchen receives support from Rotary Club of Boise
Rotary Club of Boise recently presented Life’s Kitchen Executive Director Tammy Johnson with a...
Zoo Boise Butterfly Exhibit Beautification
On May 13, members of the Rotary Club of Boise continued our long standing tradition of trimming an...
Whitney School Learning Garden
Saturday, April 15 – 9AM We will be removing remaining wood chips and laying landscaping fabric. B...
Wetland Peace Preserve Planting
On Feb 25th, members of the Rotary Club of Boise joined with Rotarians from Nampa and other Boise ar...